RururuGakuen Mini Zip Pouch

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RururuGakuen is a cheerful and energetic team of six girls who attend Rururu Academy. Terumi is bright and superhealthy. Naomi is a princess and a crybaby. Chie dreams of the theater. Maiko acts all cutie-poo in front of boys. Yoshiko is an energetic little rocker. Tomo is hasty and has all the yummy gossip. A group of rambunctious yet silly friends, it’s so fun to see yourself in them. Who do you relate to the most?

A supercute mini pouch for all things small, add all your essentials while reppin’ this trio of besties! 

♡ Zipper closure

♡ Lipstick pull charm, printed lining

♡ Approx. 6 x 2 x 6”